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Art Works

I gained various skills needed to work on different types of projects. Usually, my themes in my art consist of our universe, our natural world, and our place in the universe.

Of course, the universe is vast, and it is something that rules over our lives. The thought of the universe being vast is crazy in itself as it could be infinite, or if the big bang were true, it could suggest that our universe has boundaries. This is an idea that I like to explore in my art but also the nature in our beautiful earth. I am expressing my feeling of that on the works, but I don’t necessarily want to shove my view of the universe to my audience. My goal is just to remind the viewer of these elements of our lives and engage with them. Not run away from them. Sometimes it’ll be beautiful and sometimes it will be scary. That’s the experience that life gives us.


This is a short 1 minute film that I created for a class project. I had certain limitations, such as limited number of scenes I could have, I couldn't use dialogue and of course that it needed to be a minute. However the content and narrative could be anything I wanted. Thus with the help of my brother, I decided to have a conversation on the aspect of memories, and the fear of failure.

With certain types of camera shots, like a face close up, the audience is able get the insight of the characters thinking process. Since there is only one character in this film, I was able to grasp his emotional thinking process with these shots. Wider shots are for the action scene, here this character falls, so the audience can see it all unravel.

I personally believe the universe is what we make of it. My intention was to make the viewer ponder about the definition of memories. Its a tool that makes us learn from mistakes. Memories are basically how we act in the world because of what we learned.

You Don't Need a Shop

This video was also a class project where I needed to document the process of something. I decided to document the process of building a skateboard. My roommate and I are skaters so this process was already familiar. Many found this video entertaining as they had never seen a board being built.

Since my roommate was already familiar with the process, when I was taking the various types of shots, he looked professional. His focus was amazing so all I had to do was get the right shots to show him working on certain things  and also the close up on the various tools used. The scenery also worked out since we had a lot of skateboards we could use to make this almost seem like an at home skate-shop. 

Day and Night

This was a project I made from a technology and art course. This is where I learned to use code and implement it to art. In this project I tackled the theme of isolation that could also be linked to resilience. I created 3 similar sunflowers and then 1 solo blue lily flower. This will hopefully set up the image of feeling different as the blue flower is by itself. All the flowers have an LED light corresponding to their main color. The 3 yellow flowers will light together when there is light/sunlight with the use of light sensors and the blue flower will be off. Then when there is no light the 3 sunflowers will turn off and the blue one will light up. I used the fact that some flowers need the sun to undergo growth through photosynthesis and also the fact that some other flowers don’t need the sun at all. I hope to convey that people shine in their own time and just because you don't shine similarly with a majority of people, doesn't mean you are less. I also have an interaction aspect to this work by having another sensor that will be uniquely for to the blue flower. When someone puts their hands around the flower even if its day, the flower will shine. I hope to convey how people might even need a bit of help to shine. With a little bit of help you can help someone grow or vice versa.

In this state, there is light so the sunflowers are on and the blue flower is off.

In this state, by me covering the light sensor, it is reacting as if there is no light. Thus, the sunflower LED's turn off and the blue one lights up as if it were night time.

Here I am showing the interactive portion of my piece. When you have your hand under the blue flower, even if its day time, you will allow it to turn on.

©2021 by Jose Santacruz. Proudly created with

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