Gallery of Experimentals
Showcased will be works that cant stand alone as their own project because they are a part of a collection. This will include images and screenshots of coding assignments as I try to show you the process of the coding art. Experimenting is highly important as the artist can find out what is working for what context and of course what doesn't work with a medium.
Environmental Community Service
These posters were made for environmental group I am of part of called Queer Ecojustice Program. I was asked if I could create these for the group. The one on the left was made to be shown to the public as a message and the one on the right is supposed to be a flyer for an event. Both include found images.

This poster was for a an environmental group called Queer Ecojustice Program. Their goal is to raise awareness of the damage that is being done on our world. They give insight on ways that they believe that can support communities that will need help incase of natural disasters. This image is supposed to show how mother nature is being burned and as she is being damaged our society will heavily be damaged as well.

This was a flyer for an event to go and plant trees. My style is very abstract in this poster as I also included drawings I made and found images. When I was making poster/flyer, location and time is important in this context. So, I decided on implementing silhouettes of trees while the sun sets on the beach. These locations are not always seen in the same place but in this scenario, they create a perfect sunset that people always get amazed to see.
Photography Elements
These Images were to test my knowledge on how much I know about elements when taking pictures. For example, I had to take a picture which focuses on depth, or color, or contrast. I do believe this was a piece of cake as I got a good eye for things.


Organic Shape
The contrast of the trees organic shape to a very calculated shape of a building puts emphasis on the trees form.

This tree was the closest thing to symmetry but it is also important to arrange the camera in a way that it feels balanced on both sides.

This is like foreshortening. I used this image because it also included 3 circular shapes that would allow you to see the depth of placement as well as its size.

Yes its a pizza on fire. Very comical personally but I love it as it does show the unique texture of the fire in contrast with a grainy cardboard box, the sand and the pizza.
Waves Through Waves
This was a coding project in which I had to map certain data into something artistic. This is one of the first generative pieces of art I make and I am pleased at how satisfying it looks. My approach was to take audio and based on the data of the amplitude/volume it would be drawn in real time. But I wanted the audio to be something in a natural space, thus I mainly worked with one audio which was the ocean waves crashing and then visualized that data into a canvas. I love the sound of waves crashing in the beach and the idea was interesting; I was going to be taking audio waves that come from water waves and then make artistic choices to make the visuals satisfying to watch.

After some coding, what you see here is the raw visualization of audio waves being drawn based on their amplitude level.
I had to think about how I wanted to present it. How simplistic or detailed. I loved watching the bar move but I didn't want to ruin it as I experimented with it. I kept it fairly simple and tweaked some artistic choices here and there. For example if I should add color or not. The simple line did feel unique but I wanted to explore more than just the line.

Going into the final piece I made some changes. I took the average of the values so the line created doesn't appear to be blocky. I also added a colored object that is still based on the code and simulates the water.

Of course a video will better show the experience intended as you see the visuals created as you hear the audio.